Centre for Environment and Development (CED) is a legally incorporated (incorporation number N/A 702) non-profit making Non-Governmental Organization that operates as a think tank and concept builder, research & policy institute, watchdog and campaigner at local, national and international levels. It was established in 1998 as a successor to the Public Campaign on Environment & Development (a large NGO coalition created during UNCED that formulated Sri Lanka's 1st Citizen's Report on Environment & Development). Its main work areas evolve around the concept of "Creating a Better World" and work around the main thematic areas of Sustainable Development and Social Justice.
Some recent activities of CED have been to improve national and international policy and establish institutional mechanisms and social/political processes that can help create a better and sustainable world.
– NCSD: CED several years ago proposed and initiated a process to lobby for the creation a National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD). CED for period of two years hosted the a stakeholder steering committee for the NCSD. CED also proposed to formulate a National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS). During the year 2002 CED hosted a series of preliminary stakeholder meeting with participation of the Ministry of Environment & Natural Resource Management. This provided the background for the cabinet approval of the setting-up of the NCSD and for the formulation of the NSDS.
– WSSD & National Report: CED was invited by the Ministry of Environment & Natural Resource Management to write the chapter on Civil Society Participation for the National Report to WSSD. CED also hosted the National Report consultation meeting for Civil Society on the invitation of the Ministry of Environment in Sri Lanka.
– SC.Asia: CED has teamed up with UNEP & Consumers International as the Asian partner for a project SC.Asia: Capacity Building for Implementation of UN Guidelines on Consumer Protection (Sustainable Consumption) in Asia. CED has already completed reviews in the 12 Asian countries and holding meetings with over 100 government and NGO authorities working on Sustainable Consumption & Production. The Asian Review draft prepared by CED has been officially adopted by the SC.Asia Board and the findings will be circulated and published soon.
- NAP on SC in Sri Lanka: CED is a currently working with the Ministry of Trade, Commerce & Consumer Affairs in Sri Lanka to develop a National Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and is facilitating the process as an expert group. For this the Ministry has set-up a National Steering Committee on Sustainable Consumption in partnership with CED as the expert centre.
- Asian Expert Resource Center for SCP: CED has launched an Asian Expert Resource Centre for Sustainable Consumption & Production. The centre will establish a network of organizations workig on SCP issues in Asia and will jointly implement project with organizations in Europe and other parts of the world.
- From Poverty to Sustainability: CED has initiated a project to eliminate poverty using sustainable consumption and production tools. The first project is a Community based Sustainable Coir Project conducted in partnership has already expanded into different areas such as micro credit fund, entrepreneurship programme and ICT skill development and will seek national & international partners for its implementation.
- Better World Childrens’ Club: A club constituting chidren in the view of creating a better understanding and caring society. The club wuill be launched during the December 2005 school holidays. The project will aim at establishing chapters around the country and different parts of the world. A club twining progamme will then be facilitated. Programmes will include eco-camps, learning courses on sustianble living, no more waste campaigns, and many more.
- Consumer Protection Unit: CED has set-up a consumer protection unit and will execute the consumer redress centre, consumer legal assistance programme, comparative product testing programme and a consumer alert communications campaign. CED will find appropriate international and local partners to set-up the capacity on areas such as bio technology and testing etc.
- Human Rights Unit: We are currenetly on a programme to create awareness on rights of IDPs in Sri Lanka. The campaign is developed in partnership with our partner communications agency.
- CSR Parnerships: CED with will forge Public-pRivate Partnerships to implement corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects. This will include offering training and capacity buildinh to organizations in the Asian Region.
- Research, Communications, Training & Publications Division: The main activities will include “The Sustainer” e-magazine, Lanka Consumer magazine, SCP Global Forum e-debate, publication of Asian Review on Sustainable Consumption, CED Website, Poverty & SCP Linkages Research & Publication, CSR Training Module.
Contact Details:
Mr. Uchita de Zoysa
Executive Director
Centre For Environment & Development
253/10, Stanley Thilakaratne Mawatha, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka
Tel: +94 11 2768459 Mobile: +94 777 372206 Fax: +94 11 5553493
e-mail: ced@sltnet.lk / betterworld@sltnet.lk / uchita@sltnet.lk
Some recent activities of CED have been to improve national and international policy and establish institutional mechanisms and social/political processes that can help create a better and sustainable world.
– NCSD: CED several years ago proposed and initiated a process to lobby for the creation a National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD). CED for period of two years hosted the a stakeholder steering committee for the NCSD. CED also proposed to formulate a National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS). During the year 2002 CED hosted a series of preliminary stakeholder meeting with participation of the Ministry of Environment & Natural Resource Management. This provided the background for the cabinet approval of the setting-up of the NCSD and for the formulation of the NSDS.
– WSSD & National Report: CED was invited by the Ministry of Environment & Natural Resource Management to write the chapter on Civil Society Participation for the National Report to WSSD. CED also hosted the National Report consultation meeting for Civil Society on the invitation of the Ministry of Environment in Sri Lanka.
– SC.Asia: CED has teamed up with UNEP & Consumers International as the Asian partner for a project SC.Asia: Capacity Building for Implementation of UN Guidelines on Consumer Protection (Sustainable Consumption) in Asia. CED has already completed reviews in the 12 Asian countries and holding meetings with over 100 government and NGO authorities working on Sustainable Consumption & Production. The Asian Review draft prepared by CED has been officially adopted by the SC.Asia Board and the findings will be circulated and published soon.
- NAP on SC in Sri Lanka: CED is a currently working with the Ministry of Trade, Commerce & Consumer Affairs in Sri Lanka to develop a National Action Plan on Sustainable Consumption and is facilitating the process as an expert group. For this the Ministry has set-up a National Steering Committee on Sustainable Consumption in partnership with CED as the expert centre.
- Asian Expert Resource Center for SCP: CED has launched an Asian Expert Resource Centre for Sustainable Consumption & Production. The centre will establish a network of organizations workig on SCP issues in Asia and will jointly implement project with organizations in Europe and other parts of the world.
- From Poverty to Sustainability: CED has initiated a project to eliminate poverty using sustainable consumption and production tools. The first project is a Community based Sustainable Coir Project conducted in partnership has already expanded into different areas such as micro credit fund, entrepreneurship programme and ICT skill development and will seek national & international partners for its implementation.
- Better World Childrens’ Club: A club constituting chidren in the view of creating a better understanding and caring society. The club wuill be launched during the December 2005 school holidays. The project will aim at establishing chapters around the country and different parts of the world. A club twining progamme will then be facilitated. Programmes will include eco-camps, learning courses on sustianble living, no more waste campaigns, and many more.
- Consumer Protection Unit: CED has set-up a consumer protection unit and will execute the consumer redress centre, consumer legal assistance programme, comparative product testing programme and a consumer alert communications campaign. CED will find appropriate international and local partners to set-up the capacity on areas such as bio technology and testing etc.
- Human Rights Unit: We are currenetly on a programme to create awareness on rights of IDPs in Sri Lanka. The campaign is developed in partnership with our partner communications agency.
- CSR Parnerships: CED with will forge Public-pRivate Partnerships to implement corporate social responsibility (CSR) projects. This will include offering training and capacity buildinh to organizations in the Asian Region.
- Research, Communications, Training & Publications Division: The main activities will include “The Sustainer” e-magazine, Lanka Consumer magazine, SCP Global Forum e-debate, publication of Asian Review on Sustainable Consumption, CED Website, Poverty & SCP Linkages Research & Publication, CSR Training Module.
Contact Details:
Mr. Uchita de Zoysa
Executive Director
Centre For Environment & Development
253/10, Stanley Thilakaratne Mawatha, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka
Tel: +94 11 2768459 Mobile: +94 777 372206 Fax: +94 11 5553493
e-mail: ced@sltnet.lk / betterworld@sltnet.lk / uchita@sltnet.lk
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