UN Marrakech Process which is a response to the 2002 WSSD in Johannesburg and attempts to formulate a 10 year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) has been a slow to draw attention of global governments and stakeholders equally, Uchita de Zoysa explained. New additions of such as the cooperation dialogue and stakeholder panel discussion provides some hope for a greater dialogue within the process. He expressed the view that there is criticism that the Marrakech Process has limited itself to a smaller group of expert consultations leaving out a majority of governments and their stakeholders as much as the key UN processes that deals with issues directly relevant to SCP such as poverty eradication, climate change mitigation, biodiversity conservation , etc.
Uchita presented the idea of a large and dynamic networking model with an emphasis on a Global Stakeholder Dialogue on SCP. The stakeholder model proposes to create an open/participatory mechanism for the Marrakech Process to dialogue and promote the true SCP objectives such as ensuring wellbeing of all, promoting happiness, eradicating poverty, enabling sufficiency economies, promoting green consumption, eco innovation, green procurement and sustainable markets, etc..
In the Marrakech process, the SoP could choose between the roles of being a parallel program; being part of the core of the Stakeholder Dialogue; and acting as a player from the outside. Uchita said he would prefer SoP to join the Global Stakeholder Dialogue immediately. Uchita believes that the SoP can play a critical role as a stakeholder and investor broker within the global stakeholder forum on SCP in its efforts toward unifying global sustainability efforts. In Uchita’s opinion SoP should take on an aggressive approach and place itself in the centre of the sustainability movements. People should be invited – not of convenience or friendships, but open to all who have something to contribute critically. The programmes do not have to be competitive, but can become effectively complimentary to each other in a wholistic programme.
Uchita suggested that SoP has the capacity to become a strong player on a global stakeholder dialogue, but that there must be a stop in discussing only within comfort groups. The globe is too small to remain within a single constituency and we all must meet together and dialogue for a better world, Uchita emphasized, adding that 80% of the people in the world are not represented, yet their future is being decided for them by a smaller group with power and money. He also underlined the fact that there are innovators with great ideas who do not get in touch with those with people with decades of experience of how to realise those great ideas practically, because of a lack of a processes of collective stakeholder dialogue.